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November, 2013

  1. I am from

    November 22, 2013 by Lake

    I am from

    I am from another planet
    From Alienware and football
    I am from the lakeside house
    From the sound of waves
    I am from the lemon tree
    The duckweed whose long vines raped around me when I swam
    I’m from Finger Food Fridays and Sunday Night Football
    From Linda and Michael
    I’m from Sorry and Pictionary
    And from the Walking Dead
    I’m from “yolo” and “treat people the way you want to be treated”
    And to never lose
    I’m from Monopoly
    I’m from St. Davids Hospital and Texas
    From homemade food and organic food
    From a history of football players
    That runs through my family
    I am from a time box
    In a cabinet hidden
    Where we put things in the time box and open it up 10 years later

  2. Lacrosse

    November 22, 2013 by Lake

    I have a lacrosse tournament tomorrow and I’m excited we get to go to dallas and play there all weekend. It will be a blast. My team is called Westlake and I hope to get first place.

  3. Rain

    November 4, 2013 by Lake

    I woke up in the middle of the night startled of the noise echoing throughout the house. Thunder would strike then Lightning. I was scared, I watched it through my bedroom window. I thought a saw a person out there. I started to freak out, so I decided to try Togo back to bed because I knew I needed the rest. Football was tomorrow.

  4. Halloween

    November 4, 2013 by Lake

    This Halloween was awesome I went with Jones, Jon, James, and Chase. We went to lost creek which was amazing because we hit loads of candy. We dumped boles when we saw them and I ended up with like 30 pounds of candy.

  5. Six flags

    November 4, 2013 by Lake

    I went to six flags with my friends for fun and had a fun time. We rode the Goliath, Superman, Boomerang, Road. Runner, and Iron Rattler! My favorite was the Iron Rattler

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